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Haley Receives Only 151 Votes In Recent Poll

Nikki Haley Pledges to Stay in Race Despite Low Polling Numbers

Haley Receives Only 151 Votes in Recent Poll

Despite her low polling numbers, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has pledged to stay in the race until Super Tuesday on March 7th. A recent poll average shows that Haley has received only 151 votes, putting her far behind former President Donald Trump, who has secured over 10,000 votes in the same poll.

Trump Continues Dominance in GOP Primary

After sweeping the early voting states, Trump is looking to continue his march to the GOP nomination. Despite Haley's efforts, Trump has consistently outperformed her in polls and garnered more support from Republican voters. Trump's strong showing in the early states suggests that he remains a formidable candidate in the race.

Haley's Campaign Struggles

Despite her initial enthusiasm and promises, Haley's campaign has faced significant challenges. Her low polling numbers have raised questions about her viability as a candidate, and some have speculated that she may drop out of the race before Super Tuesday. Nevertheless, Haley has vowed to remain in the race, hoping to make a strong showing in the upcoming primary contests.

Upcoming Events

Haley is expected to continue campaigning in the coming days, with stops planned in Michigan and other key states. Trump, meanwhile, will likely focus on solidifying his lead in the polls and further consolidating support among Republican voters.


The upcoming Super Tuesday primary will be a critical test for both Haley and Trump. Haley's ability to stay in the race and make a significant impact will largely depend on her performance in these upcoming contests. Trump, on the other hand, will be looking to extend his lead and secure his position as the frontrunner in the GOP race.
