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The Grand Jury A Key Player In The Criminal Justice System

The Grand Jury: A Key Player in the Criminal Justice System


The grand jury plays a vital role in the criminal justice system. It is a legal body comprised of laypeople that determines whether there is enough evidence to bring criminal charges against an individual.

Functions of the Grand Jury

Once the grand jury is impaneled, the prosecutor has the ability to subpoena records and witnesses. The grand jury will then hear evidence from the prosecutor and decide whether there is enough evidence to indict the accused.

Composition of the Grand Jury

Grand juries typically consist of 12 to 20 citizens who are selected randomly from the community. They are not required to have any legal experience or training.

Role in the Criminal Process

The grand jury plays an important role in the criminal process, but it does not make a finding of guilt or innocence. Its role is to determine whether there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial.


The grand jury is a key part of the criminal justice system. It provides a check on the power of the prosecutor and helps to ensure that individuals are not charged with crimes without sufficient evidence.
